Thursday, December 13, 2012

6 FUN ways to Exercise at the Beach

Whether you are an avid fitness guru, or looking to burn off some extra calories from last nights awesome margaritas, these beach workout tips are sure to have your fitness routine begging for more seaside variety.

(photo credit)

  1. Walk in the water.  Low impact and a great workout with one secret...walking in water that is at least 1 foot deep, providing an optimum workout. The higher the water, the more sand/water resistance you will have, which means you'll have an even better workout.
  2. Play paddle ball, Frisbee, Volleyball, Throw a Football. Beach sports have a way of giving a great workout without even realizing it. Get down low, make each other run, and play close to the edge of the water for added calorie burning.
  3. Go for a Run.  Running barefoot at the beach is one of the most fun ways to get your run on. It's an even better cardiovascular workout and more of a challenge than running on pavement or a treadmill. Start by running on wet sand, which can be easier on muscles and joints than dry sand. Reward yourself with an after-run dip in the ocean waves.
  4. Pick up shells.  Grab a bucket and hit the sand. Be sure to bend low with your knees as you pick up shells and treasures in the sand.
  5. Be a Kid.  Make sand castles and seaside creations. Get sandy and relive your playful childhood days at the beach. Shovel sand, carry buckets of water, and create something fun to look at when your "workout" is done.
  6. Body or Board Surf.  Whether you try body surfing or a board surfing lesson, it's one of the hardest workout at the beach. You'll be using every muscle in the book and will feel the burn tomorrow.

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